Larry Filter

French English

Stop being spoiledon Twitter.

How to install Larry Filter on Opera?

- Install this extension on your Opera browser
- Download Larry Filter from this page

What's the point?

Every day, you are spammed and spoiled on Twitter. Nobody's perfect, neither does your friends and followings. You need a tool to protect you from undesirable contents : political talks, sports news, live-tweeting, TV shows and movies spoilers, etc.

We created an extension you can install on your favorite web browser to hide these contents — called Larry Filter.

How does it work?

1. Choose the contents

Choose the words, #hashtags or @usernames to be checked. Tweets containing these words or advertising will be hidden.

2. Choose the method

Two available methods: contents can ben fully hidden or their opacity can be set to 10% — then will showed when cursor is hover.

3. Manage your filters

You can manage your list of words, #hashtags or @usernames and enable or disable advertising filtering.

4. Magic happens

Boom. Nothing to add. Oh, and for your information : no data is sent to our servers.

A simple and easy to use interface

Google Chrome

Google Chrome

2.1.0 Download
Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox

2.1.0 Download


2.1.0 Download

Website & Extensions developed with love by Julien Ramel@Woodgate